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Problem 5

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1. Problem

Smallest multiple

2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.

What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?


2520 是最小的能够被 1 到 10 整除的正数。

最小的能够被 1 到 20 整除的正数是多少?

2. Solution

这一题不需要编程,我们完全可以列出 20 内的数字的所有质因数,然后取各因数所需最大个数即可:

2: 2
3: 3
4: 2 2
5: 5
6: 2 3
7: 7
8: 2 2 2
9: 3 3
10: 2 5
11: 11
12: 2 2 3
13: 13
14: 2 7
15: 3 5
16: 2 2 2 2
17: 17
18: 2 3 3
19: 19
20: 2 2 5

2: 4
3: 2
5: 1
7: 1
11: 1
13: 1
17: 1
19: 1

结果为: 16*9*5*7*11*13*17*19 ,即 232792560。


(defmacro eu5-gen (ls)
  (let ((res nil)
	(x (gensym)))
    (dolist (a ls)
      (push `(zerop (% ,x ,a)) res))
    `(lambda (,x)
       ,(cons 'and res))))

;;(macroexpand '(eu5-gen (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)))

(defun eu5-judge (g1001)
  (and (zerop (% g1001 20)) (zerop (% g1001 19)) (zerop (% g1001 18))
       (zerop (% g1001 17)) (zerop (% g1001 16)) (zerop (% g1001 15))
       (zerop (% g1001 14)) (zerop (% g1001 13)) (zerop (% g1001 12))
       (zerop (% g1001 11)) (zerop (% g1001 10)) (zerop (% g1001 9))
       (zerop (% g1001 8)) (zerop (% g1001 7)) (zerop (% g1001 6))
       (zerop (% g1001 5)) (zerop (% g1001 4)) (zerop (% g1001 3)) (zerop (% g1001 2))))

(named-let f ((i 2))
  (if (eu5-judge i) i
    (f (+ i 2))))

我们也可以直接使用 elisp 内置的 LCM (least common multiple)函数:

(apply 'cl-lcm (number-sequence 1 20))
;; 232792560

对于本问题来说手算或者比较简单的 LCM 实现已经足够了,但是当 K 较大时我们需要找到足够高效的算法。一种思路是找到范围内所有数字的质因数分解,然后对每个质数取最大重数(比如 16 有 4 个 2,那么对 20 内的数字,2 的重数就是 4),一种更加聪明的思路是求 log_p(k) ,比如 log_2(20)=4.32 ,我们取下界可以直接得到素数 2 的重数。

(let ((prime-vec [2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19])
      (check t)
      (res 0)
      (bound (floor (sqrt 20))))
  (cl-reduce '*
	     (cl-loop for a across prime-vec
		      do (setq res 1)
		      do (if check
			     (if (< a bound)
				 (setq res (floor (/ (log k) (log a))))
			       (setq check nil)))
		      collect (expt a res))))