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Problem 46

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2023-11-05 20:31
Emacs 29.2 (Org mode 9.6.15)
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1. Problem

Goldbach's Other Conjecture

It was proposed by Christian Goldbach that every odd composite number can be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square.

\[9 = 7 + 2\times 1^2\] \[15 = 7 + 2\times 2^2\] \[21 = 3 + 2\times 3^2\] \[25 = 7 + 2\times 3^2\] \[27 = 19 + 2\times 2^2\] \[33 = 31 + 2\times 1^2\]

It turns out that the conjecture was false.

What is the smallest odd composite that cannot be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square?



\[9 = 7 + 2\times 1^2\] \[15 = 7 + 2\times 2^2\] \[21 = 3 + 2\times 3^2\] \[25 = 7 + 2\times 3^2\] \[27 = 19 + 2\times 2^2\] \[33 = 31 + 2\times 1^2\]



2. Solution


(defun eu7-isprime (n)
   ((<= n 1) nil)
   ((< n 4) t)
   ((zerop (% n 2)) nil)
   ((< n 9) t)
   ((zerop (% n 3)) nil)
   (t (let ((bound (floor (sqrt n))))
	(named-let f ((i 5))
	   ((> i bound) t)
	   ((zerop (% n i)) nil)
	   ((zerop (% n (+ i 2))) nil)
	   (t (f (+ i 6)))))))))

(cl-block 'fin
  (cl-loop for i from 35 by 2
	   if (not (eu7-isprime i)) do
	   (cl-loop for n from 1
		    if (> (* n n 2) i)
		    do (cl-return-from 'fin i) end
		    if (eu7-isprime (- i (* n n 2)))
		    return t)))
=> 5777