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Problem 36

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2023-11-06 21:24
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1. Problem

Double-base Palindromes

The decimal number, 585 = 10010010012 (binary), is palindromic in both bases.

Find the sum of all numbers, less than one million, which are palindromic in base 10 and base 2.

(Please note that the palindromic number, in either base, may not include leading zeros.)


十进制数 585 = 10010010012(二进制表示),因此它在这两种进制下都是回文数。



2. Solution

根据题意,回文数不考虑前导 0,这意味着二进制回文数必为奇数。

一种比较简单的思路是分别生成二进制和十进制下的回文数,然后求交集,当然我们也可以获取十进制回文数后对每个数字逐个判断是否为二进制回文数。小于 1000000 的最大数 999999 是六位数,大概包括这些组合: a, aa, axa, abba, abcba, abccba


(defun eu36-gen (n)
   ((<= n 0) '())
   ((= n 1) '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))
   ((= n 2) '("00" "11" "22" "33" "44" "55" "66" "77" "88" "99"))
   (t (let ((gen-2 (eu36-gen (- n 2))))
	 for a in gen-2 append
	  for i from ?0 to ?9 collect
	  (concat (string i)
		  (string i))))))))

(setq eu36-numstr
       for i from 1 to 6
       append (eu36-gen i)))

(setq eu36-nums
       (mapcar 'string-to-number


(defun eu4-papstr (str)
  (let* ((len (length str)))
    (named-let f ((i 0) (j (1- len)))
       ((>= i j) t)
       ((= (aref str i) (aref str j))
	(f (1+ i) (1- j)))
       (t nil)))))

(defun eu36-dec2binstr (n)
  (let ((res))
    (while (/= n 0)
      (push (% n 2) res)
      (setq n (/ n 2)))
    (mapconcat (lambda (x) (string (+ x ?0)))

(cl-loop for a in eu36-nums
	 if (eu4-papstr (eu36-dec2binstr a))
	 collect a)
=> (1 3 5 7 9 33 99 313 717 585 9009 7447 32223 53235 15351 73737 53835 39993 585585)

(+ 1 3 5 7 9 33 99 313 717 585 9009 7447 32223 53235 15351 73737 53835 39993 585585)
=> 872187

当然了,如果你参考了这一题的 overflow pdf,pdf 中的回文数生成算法还要更精巧一点,我们可以通过三位数 xyz 分别确定五位和六位回文数 xyzyxxyzzyx 。同理,两位数 xy 可以确定三位和四位回文数 xyxxyyx…… 也就是说,根据 n 位数我们可以确定 2n 和 2n-1 位的回文数。

按照文档的说法,根据 basen 的以下的自然数可以生成 base2n 以下的回文数,它给出的生成算法如下,该算法可以根据一个数生成它对应的奇数长度或偶数长度回文数:

(defun eu36-makep (n base oddp)
  (let ((res n))
    (when oddp (setq n (/ n base)))
    (while (> n 0)
      (setq res (+ (* base res) (% n base)))
      (setq n (/ n base)))

(eu36-makep 123 10 t)
=> 12321
(eu36-makep 123 10 nil)
=> 123321


(defun eu36-makep2 (n oddp)
  (let ((res n))
    (when oddp (setq n (ash n -1)))
    (while (> n 0)
      (setq res (+ (ash res 1) (logand n 1)))
      (setq n (ash n -1)))

(eu36-makep2 5 t)
=> 21 (101 => 10101)
(eu36-makep2 5 nil)
=> 45 (101 => 101101)


(let* ((limit 1000000)
       (sum 0)
       (i 1)
       (p (eu36-makep2 i t)))
  (while (< p limit)
    (when (eu4-papstr (number-to-string p))
      (cl-incf sum p))
    (cl-incf i)
    (setq p (eu36-makep2 i t)))
  (setq i 1)
  (setq p (eu36-makep2 i nil))
  (while (< p limit)
    (when (eu4-papstr (number-to-string p))
      (cl-incf sum p))
    (cl-incf i)
    (setq p (eu36-makep2 i nil)))
=> 872187