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Problem 33

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1. Problem

Digit Cancelling Fractions

The fraction 49/98 is a curious fraction, as an inexperienced mathematician in attempting to simplify it may incorrectly believe that 49/98 = 4/8, which is correct, is obtained by cancelling the 9s.

We shall consider fractions like, 30/50=3/5, to be trivial examples.

There are exactly four non-trivial examples of this type of fraction, less than one in value, and containing two digits in the numerator and denominator.

If the product of these four fractions is given in its lowest common terms, find the value of the denominator.


49/98 是一个有趣的分数,因为缺乏经验的数学家可能在约简时错误地认为,等式 49/98 = 4/8 之所以成立,是因为在分数线上下同时消去了 9 的缘故。

显然,存在诸如 30/50 = 3/5 这样的平凡解。

除此之外,在所有值小于 1 且分子和分母都是两位数的分数中,恰好有四个非平凡解。


2. Solution

由于要求的分数是两位数的真分数,我们可以让分子从 11 开始,且分母必大于分子。如此一来,分子的范围就是 11 到 99,且要排除十位为 0 的数字(0 不可能作为十位数,且不应该被消去)。

对于给定的分子,我们可以指定要被消去的数字(如果分子的两个数字相同则只需取一个数字),然后根据它来生成分母,比如对于 12,取 2 为要消去的数字则可生成 21~29 和 12~92。下面的 eu33-getnum 函数生成消去数字后剩余的个位数与分母组成的列表的列表:

(defun eu33-getnum (n min)
   for i from 1 to 9
   if (> (+ (* i 10) n) min)
   collect (list i (+ (* i 10) n))
   if (and (> (+ (* n 10) i) min) (/= i n))
   collect (list i (+ (* n 10) i))))

(eu33-getnum 2 12)
((1 21) (2 22) (3 32) (3 23)
 (4 42) (4 24) (5 52) (5 25)
 (6 62) (6 26) (7 72) (7 27)
 (8 82) (8 28) (9 92) (9 29))


(defun eu33-gen (n)
  (let* ((nums (delete-dups (list (% n 10) (/ n 10))))
	 (denos (mapcar (lambda (x) (eu33-getnum x n))
			(reverse nums)))
	 (combo (cl-mapcar (lambda (num deno)
			     (mapcar (lambda (l)
				       (append `(,num ,n) l))
			   nums denos)))
    (apply 'append combo)))

(eu33-gen 11)
((1 11 2 21) (1 11 2 12) (1 11 3 31)
 (1 11 3 13) (1 11 4 41) (1 11 4 14)
 (1 11 5 51) (1 11 5 15) (1 11 6 61)
 (1 11 6 16) (1 11 7 71) (1 11 7 17)
 (1 11 8 81) (1 11 8 18) (1 11 9 91)
 (1 11 9 19))

若将表中的各数字标为 \(a, b, c, d\),若满足 \(ad = bc\) 则说明它满足题目要求的消去规则:

(defun eu33-check (ls)
   (lambda (x)
     (let ((a (nth 0 x))
	   (b (nth 1 x))
	   (c (nth 2 x))
	   (d (nth 3 x)))
       (= (* a d) (* b c))))

(eu33-check (eu33-gen 49))
=> ((4 49 8 98))


(let (res)
  (cl-loop for i from 11 to 99
	   do (when (/= (% i 10) 0)
		(let ((r (eu33-check (eu33-gen i))))
		  (when r (push r res)))))
=> (((4 49 8 98)) ((2 26 5 65)) ((1 19 5 95)) ((1 16 4 64)))

分母值为 \(2 \cdot 5 \cdot 5 \cdot 4 = 100\)。