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Problem 32

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2023-11-06 21:23
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1. Problem

Pandigital Products

We shall say that an n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly once; for example, the 5-digit number, 15234, is 1 through 5 pandigital.

The product 7254 is unusual, as the identity, 39 * 186 = 7254, containing multiplicand, multiplier, and product is 1 through 9 pandigital.

Find the sum of all products whose multiplicand/multiplier/product identity can be written as a 1 through 9 pandigital.

HINT: Some products can be obtained in more than one way so be sure to only include it once in your sum.


如果一个 n 位数包含了 1 至 n 的所有数字恰好一次,我们称它为全数字的;例如,五位数 15234 就是 1 至 5 全数字的。

7254 是一个特殊的乘积,因为在等式 39 * 186 = 7254 中,被乘数、乘数和乘积恰好是 1 至 9 全数字的。

找出所有被乘数、乘数和乘积恰好是 1 至 9 全数字的乘法等式,并求出这些等式中乘积的和。


2. Solution


同时,乘数只可能是 14 或 23 组合,也就是说我们对于给定的四位数只需要在 0 ~ 100 内寻找因数,然后根据因数判断是否符合条件即可。

(defun eu32-nums2str (i j p)
   (sort (append (concat (number-to-string i)
			 (number-to-string j)
			 (number-to-string p))
 (let ((res))
    for i from 1000 to 9999
    do (cl-loop
	for j from 2 to 99
	do (when (= 0 (% i j))
	     (let ((k (/ i j)))
	       (when (string= "123456789" (eu32-nums2str i j k))
		 (push i res)
=> (7852 7632 7254 6952 5796 5346 4396)

(+ 7852 7632 7254 6952 5796 5346 4396)
=> 45228


(defun eu32-isok (a b c)
  (let ((s (mapconcat 'number-to-string `(,a ,b ,c))))
    (when (not (cl-find ?0 s))
      (let ((v (make-vector 9 0)))
	(cl-loop for a across s
		 do (cl-incf (aref v (- a ?1))))
	(cl-loop for a across v
		 if (/= a 1)
		 return nil
		 finally return t)))))

 (let ((res))
    for i from 1000 to 9999
    do (cl-loop
	for j from 2 to 99
	do (when (= 0 (% i j))
	     (let ((k (/ i j)))
	       (when (eu32-isok i j k)
		 (push i res)
(7852 7632 7254 6952 5796 5346 4396)

当然了,判断可能还有更高效的方法,以下方法来自问题 32 的讨论区:

(defun eu32-isok2 (a b c)
  (let ((v (make-vector 10 0)))
    (cl-block nil
      (while (/= a 0)
	(when (or (= (% a 10) 0)
		  (> (cl-incf (aref v (% a 10))) 1))
	  (cl-return nil))
	(setq a (/ a 10)))
      (while (/= b 0)
	(when (or (= (% b 10) 0)
		  (> (cl-incf (aref v (% b 10))) 1))
	  (cl-return nil))
	(setq b (/ b 10)))
      (while (/= c 0)
	(when (or (= (% c 10) 0)
		  (> (cl-incf (aref v (% c 10))) 1))
	  (cl-return nil))
	(setq c (/ c 10)))
      (cl-incf (aref v 0))
      (equal [0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] v))))