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Problem 31

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2023-11-06 21:23
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1. Problem

Coin Sums

In the United Kingdom the currency is made up of pound (£) and pence (p). There are eight coins in general circulation:

1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 (100p), and £2 (200p). It is possible to make £2 in the following way:

1×£1 + 1×50p + 2×20p + 1×5p + 1×2p + 3×1p How many different ways can £2 be made using any number of coins?



1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 (100p), and £2 (200p).

想要凑出 £2,其中一种做法是:

1×£1 + 1×50p + 2×20p + 1×5p + 1×2p + 3×1p

不限制硬币数量,凑出 £2 有多少种不同的做法?

2. Solution

这样的问题还有多种描述方式,例如:现在有一个 200 级的台阶,我们现在可以一次上 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200 级,那么总共有多少种方式能让我们上楼?再抽象一点,我们有 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200,如何选取数字让它们的和等于 200。


我们将这个数字集合叫做 \(S\),那么问题可以表述为 \((200, S)\),当我们向前一步后,一个问题可以变成 8 个问题:

从上面这 7 个(有一个已经到达 0 了)问题中的任何一个我们都可以衍生出 8 个问题,然后如此反复下去,遇到 0 就表示得到了一个解。将所有能到达 0 的路径加起来,我们就得到了这个问题的结果:

(defun eu31-coin (n S)
  (cond ((= n 0) 1)
	((< n 0) 0)
	 (cl-loop for a in S
		  sum (eu31-coin (- n a) S)))))

(eu31-coin 4 '(1 2)) => 5


出现这样的错误原因也很简单,上楼梯是有顺序的但是钱与钱之间没有顺序,在我们的函数中计入了数量相同的不同组合,即 112,121 和 211。如果我们让结果总是有序的话就能够去除这些重复项:

(defun eu31-coin2 (n S)
  (cond ((= n 0) 1)
	(t (let ((res 0))
	  (while (and S (>= n (car S)))
	    (cl-incf res (eu31-coin2
			  (- n (car S)) S))
	    (setq S (cdr S)))
 (eu31-coin2 200 '(1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200)))
=> 73682


(defun eu31-coin3 (n S hash)
   ((= n 0) 1)
   ((gethash (cons n (car S)) hash))
    (puthash (cons n (car S))
	     (let ((res 0))
	       (while (and S (>= n (car S)))
		 (cl-incf res (eu31-coin3
			       (- n (car S)) S hash))
		 (setq S (cdr S)))
 (let ((hash (make-hash-table :size 1000 :test 'equal)))
  (eu31-coin3 200 '(1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200) hash)
  (cons (gethash '(200 . 1) hash) (hash-table-count hash))))
=> (73682 . 1213)

使用递归方法当然能解决问题,但是可能会爆栈。让我们再描述一下这个问题,现在由于要考虑到顺序,我们现在还需要一个用来表示可用元素的起始下标: \((S = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200])\)

使用递归求取的问题在于它可能会重复求取某个 \((X, S_n)\),比如在我们计算 \((5, S_0)\) 时产生的递归树如下:

(5, 0) => (4, 0) + (3, 1) + (0, 2)

(4, 0) => (3, 0) + (2, 1)
(3, 1) => (1, 1)
(0, 2) => 1

(3, 0) => (2, 0) + (1, 1)
(2, 1) => (0, 1)
(1, 1) => 0

(2, 0) => (1, 0) + (0, 1)
(1, 1) => 0
(0, 1) => 0

(1, 0) => 1
(0, 1) => 0

在这个计算中,出现重复的只有 \((1, S_1), (0, S_1)\) ,但是随着计算规模的增大,这样的重复也将越来越多。因此,我们可以考虑从后往前算,这样能确保每个 \((X, S_n)\) 只算一遍:

 (let ((tbl (make-vector 201 nil))
       (coin [1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200]))
   (dotimes (i 201) (aset tbl i (make-vector 8 0)))
   (cl-loop for k from 0 below 8
	    do (aset (aref tbl 0) k 1)) ; (0, x) = 1
   (cl-loop for i from 1 to 200
	    do (cl-loop for j from 0 below 8
			do (aset (aref tbl i) j
				 (cl-loop for k from j below 8
					  for co = (aref coin k)
					  if (>= i co)
					  sum (aref (aref tbl (- i co)) k)))))
   (aref (aref tbl 200) 0)))
=> 73682

3. Other approaches


\[S = [200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1]\]

\[(X, S_n) = \left\{\begin{align}&1 \ \ &if\ n = 7 \ \ \lor \ X = 0 \notag \\ \sum_{i=0}^{\lfloor\frac{X}{S_n}\rfloor}(X - &iS_n, S_{n+1}) \ \ &if\ n \lt 7\ \land \ X\ \gt 0 \notag \end{align}\right.\]

(defun eu31-a-coin (n S)
   ((= (car S) 1) 1)
   (t (let ((res 0))
	(while (> n 0)
	  (cl-incf res
		   (eu31-a-coin n (cdr S)))
	  (cl-decf n (car S)))
	(when (= n 0) (cl-incf res))

 (eu31-a-coin 200 '(200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1)))
=> 73682


(defun eu31-a-coin2 (n S idx tbl)
   ((= idx 7) 1)
   ((aref (aref tbl n) idx))
   (t (let ((res 0)
	    (tn n))
	(while (> n 0)
	  (cl-incf res (eu31-a-coin2 n (cdr S) (1+ idx) tbl))
	  (cl-decf n (car S)))
	(when (= n 0) (cl-incf res))
	(aset (aref tbl tn) idx res)
 (let ((tbl (make-vector 201 nil)))
   (dotimes (i 201) (aset tbl i (make-vector 8 nil)))
   (eu31-a-coin2 200 '(200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1) 0 tbl)))
=> 73682


\[(X, S_n) = \left\{\begin{align} &1 &if\ \ n = 7 \lor X = 0 \notag \\ (X, &S_{n+1}) &if\ \ n \lt 7 \land X \lt S_n \notag\\ (X, S_{n+1}) &+ (X - S_n, S_n) \ \ &if\ \ n \lt 7 \land X \ge S_n\notag\\ \end{align}\right.\]

 (let ((tbl (make-vector 201 nil))
       (S [200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1]))
   (dotimes (i 201) (aset tbl i (make-vector 8 0)))
   (cl-loop for i from 0 to 200
	    do (aset (aref tbl i) 7 1))
   (cl-loop for i from 0 to 7
	    do (progn (aset (aref tbl 0) i 1)
		      (aset (aref tbl 1) i 1)))
   (cl-loop for i from 2 to 200
	    do (cl-loop for j from 7 downto 0
			do (aset (aref tbl i) j
				  ((= j 7) 1)
				  ((< i (aref S j))
				   (aref (aref tbl i) (1+ j)))
				  (t (+ (aref (aref tbl i) (1+ j))
					(aref (aref tbl (- i (aref S j))) j)))))))

   (aref (aref tbl 200) 0)))
=> 73682

当然,如果我们能注意到以下转移方式,我们只需要上面 1/8 的空间即可完成:

 (let ((tbl (make-vector 201 0))
       (S [1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200]))
   (aset tbl 0 1)
   (cl-do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i 7))
     (cl-do ((j (aref S i) (1+ j))) ((> j 200))
       (cl-incf (aref tbl j) (aref tbl (- j (aref S i))))))
   (aref tbl 200)))
=> 73681

请参考题解的 overflow 文档来详细了解。