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Problem 21

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2023-11-06 21:21
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1. Problem

Amicable Numbers

Let \(d(n)\) be defined as the sum of proper divisors of \(n\) (numbers less than \(n\) which divide evenly into \(n\)).

If \(d(a) = b\) and \(d(b) = a\), where \(a \neq b\), then \(a\) and \(b\) are an amicable pair and each of \(a\) and \(b\) are called amicable numbers.

For example, the proper divisors of \(220\) are \(1,2,4,5,10,11,20,22,44,55\) and \(110\); therefore \(d(220) = 284\). The proper divisors of \(284\) are \(1,2,4,71\) and \(142\); so \(d(284) = 220\).

Evaluate the sum of all the amicable numbers under \(10000\).


记 \(d(n)\) 为 \(n\) 的所有真约数(小于 \(n\) 且整除 \(n\) 的正整数)之和。

如果 \(d(a) = b\) , \(d(b) = a\) ,而且 \(a \neq b\), 那么 \(a\) 和 \(b\) 构成一个亲和数对, \(a\) 和 \(b\) 都被称为亲和数。

例如, \(220\) 的真因数包括 \(1,2,4,5,10,11,20,22,44,55\) 和 \(110\) ,因此 \(d(220) = 284\) ;而 \(284\) 的真因数包括 \(1,2,4,71\) 和 \(142\) ,因此 \(d(284) = 220\) 。 求所有小于 \(10000\) 的亲和数之和。

2. Solution

用非常 naive 的实现就可以解决了,问题规模太小了:

(defun eu21-d (n)
  (let ((sum 0)
	(i 1))
    (while (< i n)
      (when (zerop (% n i))
	(cl-incf sum i))
      (cl-incf i))

(cl-loop for i from 2 below 10000
	 sum (let* ((now (eu21-d i)))
	       (if (and (not (= i now))
			(= i (eu21-d now)))
		   i 0)))

一个非常简单的优化是 eu21-d 寻找到 sqrt(n) 就停止,不用数到 n ,这样 eu21-d 的效率大大提高了。由于亲和数一定成对而且有一大一小,我们在从小到大遍历的过程中,如果某个数的 eu21-d 小于它,那就不用考虑了,在找到亲和数对时将它们一起:(注意, eu21-d1 在参数为 1 时会返回 1,但正确结果应该是 0,不过我们不会传递 1 给 eu21-d1

(defun eu21-d1 (n)
  (let ((sum 1)
	(bound (floor (sqrt n)))
	(i 2))
    (while (< i bound)
      (and (zerop (% n i)) (cl-incf sum (+ i (/ n i))))
      (cl-incf i))
    (if (= n (* bound bound))
	(+ sum bound)

(cl-loop for i from 2 below 10000
	 sum (let* ((a (eu21-d1 i)))
	       (if (and (> a i)
			(= i (eu21-d1 a)))
		   (+ a i) 0)))

由于奇数的因数不可能是偶数, eu21-d 还可以对奇数和偶数分别处理:

(defun eu21-d2 (n)
  (let* ((step (if (zerop (% n 2)) 1 2))
	 (bound (floor (sqrt n)))
	 (sum (if (= (* bound bound) n)
		  (prog1 (1+ bound) (cl-decf bound)) 1))
	 (i (if (= step 1) 2 3)))
    (while (<= i bound)
      (when (zerop (% n i)) (cl-incf sum (+ i (/ n i))))
      (cl-incf i step))

(cl-loop for i from 2 below 10000
	 sum (let* ((a (eu21-d2 i)))
	       (if (and (> a i)
			(= i (eu21-d2 a)))
		   (+ a i) 0)))

根据题解 pdf 中提供的链接,运算 \(\sigma\) (这里的和包括数字本身)满足以下性质:

题解中给出的终极解答的 elisp 实现如下:

(defun eu21-d3 (n)
  (let ((sum 1)
	(p 2)
	(org n))
    (while (and (<= (* p p) n)
		(> n 1))
      (when (zerop (% n p))
	(let ((j (* p p)))
	  (setq n (/ n p))
	  (while (zerop (% n p))
	    (setq j (* j p))
	    (setq n (/ n p)))
	  (setq sum (* (1- j) sum))
	  (setq sum (/ sum (1- p)))))
      (if (= p 2) (setq p 3) (cl-incf p 2)))
    (when (> n 1) (setq sum (* sum (1+ n))))
    (- sum org)))

(cl-loop for i from 2 below 10000
	 sum (let* ((a (eu21-d3 i)))
	       (if (and (> a i)
			(= i (eu21-d3 a)))
		   (+ a i) 0)))

在未编译的情况下,使用相同的如下 cl-loop 代码,不同的 d 实现用时分别是(以秒计):

(defun eu21-test (f)
  (cl-loop for i from 2 below 10000
	   sum (let* ((a (funcall f i)))
		 (if (and (> a i)
			  (= i (funcall f a)))
		     (+ a i) 0))))
fun time
eu21-d 6.502833
eu21-d1 0.098438
eu21-d2 0.100675
eu21-d3 0.055917