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emacs 的 named-let 使用和实现介绍

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在重温 projecteuler 的第 9 题时,我翻了翻自己之前用 Scheme 实现的代码:

(let pro ([i 1])
     (let f ([j i])
	  (let* ((k (- 1000 i j))
		 (cmp (- (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k))))
	     ((< cmp 0) (f (+ j 1)))
	     ((= cmp 0) (* i j k))
	     ((> cmp 0) (pro (+ i 1)))))))

上面这段代码的意思是寻找满足 a+b+c=1000 且 a2+b2=c2 的 abc 的乘积,你可以随便在网上找个 Scheme 解释器然后运行,它的结果为 31875000。最近我打算用 elisp 把之前做过的题目重做一遍,考虑到 emacs 在 28 中也引入了类似 Scheme 的具名 let binding,我写出了如下代码:

(named-let f ((a 1))
  (named-let g ((b a))
    (let* ((c (- 1000 a b))
           (res (- (+ (* a a) (* b b)) (* c c))))
      (cond ((< res 0) (g (1+ b)))
            ((= res 0) (* a b c))
            ((> res 0) (f (1+ a)))))))

运行后 emacs 会报错并提示你超出最大调用层数:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth’")


(named-let f ((a 1))
  (if-let ((res
	    (named-let g ((b a))
	      (let* ((c (- 1000 a b))
		     (res (- (+ (* a a) (* b b)) (* c c))))
		(cond ((< res 0) (g (1+ b)))
		      ((= res 0) (* a b c))
		      ((> res 0) nil))))))
    (f (1+ a))))

通过这个超出最大调用层数的错误以及做出的相应修改,相信聪明的你应该明白了出现问题的原因以及 emacs 中的 named-let 的局限性。如果你不明白或者对详细分析感兴趣,欢迎继续阅读。

本文的目的是向读者介绍 named-let 的用法和实现原理,同时解释上面代码出现错误的原因。


1. 什么是 named-let

在 elisp 中,我们有多种方式来表达循环,比如 while, dotimes, dolist, cl-do, cl-do*, cl-loop, cl-tagbody 。如果我们想要进行递归的话我们可以使用 defun, letreccl-labels 。比起更加命令式的 elisp,在 Scheme 中我们倾向使用(尾)递归来表达循环或者说迭代,使用 named let 能很方便地做到这一点。The Scheme Programming Language 的第三章说明了什么是 named let:

When a recursive procedure is called in only one place outside the procedure, as in the example above, it is often clearer to use a named let expression. Named let expressions take the following form.

(let name ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)

Named let is similar to unnamed let in that it binds the variables var ... to the values of expr ... within the body body1 body2.... As with unnamed let, the variables are visible only within the body and not within expr .... In addition, the variable name is bound within the body to a procedure that may be called to recur; the arguments to the procedure become the new values for the variables var ...

相比于普通的 let,named let 允许我们给整个表达式一个名字来在 body 中继续被调用以实现递归。比如使用如下定义的 length 函数:

(define my-length
  (lambda (x)
    (let f ((x x) (len 0))
       ((null? x) len)
	(f (cdr x) (+ len 1)))))))

由于 Scheme 中的尾调用优化,上面的代码是不会爆栈的。我们可以在 elisp 中试试相似的代码:

(defun my-length (ls)
  (named-let f ((x ls) (len 0))
     ((null x) len)
     (t (f (cdr x) (1+ len))))))

(my-length (make-list 10000 -1))
;; 10000

在我的 emacs 中 max-lisp-eval-depth 的值为 1600,如果上面的代码以递归方式求值应该会出现类似文首的错误,但是它却能正确得出结果。由于 elisp 中没有尾调用优化,很明显 named-let 做了一些额外的工作。下面让我们看看 named-let 的尾递归优化是如何实现的。

2. named-let 的实现

下面是 named-let 的实现代码:

(defmacro named-let (name bindings &rest body)
  "Looping construct taken from Scheme.
Like `let', bind variables in BINDINGS and then evaluate BODY,
but with the twist that BODY can evaluate itself recursively by
calling NAME, where the arguments passed to NAME are used
as the new values of the bound variables in the recursive invocation."
  (declare (indent 2) (debug (symbolp (&rest (symbolp form)) body)))
  (require 'cl-lib)
  (let ((fargs (mapcar (lambda (b) (if (consp b) (car b) b)) bindings))
	(aargs (mapcar (lambda (b) (if (consp b) (cadr b))) bindings)))
    ;; According to the Scheme semantics of named let, `name' is not in scope
    ;; while evaluating the expressions in `bindings', and for this reason, the
    ;; "initial" function call below needs to be outside of the `cl-labels'.
    ;; When the "self-tco" eliminates all recursive calls, the `cl-labels'
    ;; expands to a lambda which the byte-compiler then combines with the
    ;; funcall to make a `let' so we end up with a plain `while' loop and no
    ;; remaining `lambda' at all.
      (cl-labels ((,name ,fargs . ,body)) #',name)
      . ,aargs)))

可见它只是对参数做了一点处理就把任务交给 cl-labels 了,研究 cl-labels 才是本文的重点:

code of cl-labels
(defmacro cl-labels (bindings &rest body)
  "Make local (recursive) function definitions.
+BINDINGS is a list of definitions of the form (FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) where
FUNC is the function name, ARGLIST its arguments, and BODY the
forms of the function body.  FUNC is defined in any BODY, as well
as FORM, so you can write recursive and mutually recursive
function definitions.  See info node `(cl) Function Bindings' for

\(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)"
  (declare (indent 1) (debug cl-flet))
  (let ((binds ()) (newenv macroexpand-all-environment))
    (dolist (binding bindings)
      (let ((var (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car binding)))))
	(push (cons var (cdr binding)) binds)
	(push (cons (car binding)
                    (lambda (&rest args)
                      (if (eq (car args) cl--labels-magic)
                          (list cl--labels-magic var)
                        (cl-list* 'funcall var args))))
    ;; Don't override lexical-let's macro-expander.
    (unless (assq 'function newenv)
      (push (cons 'function #'cl--labels-convert) newenv))
    ;; Perform self-tail call elimination.
    (setq binds (mapcar
                 (lambda (bind)
                       ((`(,var ,sargs . ,sbody) bind)
                        (`(function (lambda ,fargs . ,ebody))
                         (macroexpand-all `(cl-function (lambda ,sargs . ,sbody))
                        (`(,ofargs . ,obody)
                         (cl--self-tco var fargs ebody)))
                     `(,var (function (lambda ,ofargs . ,obody)))))
                 (nreverse binds)))
    `(letrec ,binds
       . ,(macroexp-unprogn
            (macroexp-progn body)


(defun my-labels-1 (bindings)
  (let ((binds ()) (newenv macroexpand-all-environment))
    (dolist (binding bindings)
      (let ((var (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car binding)))))
	(push (cons var (cdr binding)) binds)
	(push (cons (car binding)
		    (lambda (&rest args)
		      (if (eq (car args) cl--labels-magic)
			  (list cl--labels-magic var)
			(cl-list* 'funcall var args))))
    ;; Don't override lexical-let's macro-expander.
    (unless (assq 'function newenv)
      (push (cons 'function #'cl--labels-convert) newenv))
    (list binds newenv)))

cl-labels 做的第一件事就是为函数名创建新的名字并添加到 binds 列表中,然后添加和函数名对应的宏到 newenv 列表中,它的作用是 接下来 将函数调用转化为 funcall 形式。我们可以简单检查一下经过处理后的结果:

 '((a (x y) (+ x y))
   (b (x) (1+ x))))

(((--cl-b-- (x) (1+ x))
  (--cl-a-- (x y) (+ x y)))
 ((function . cl--labels-convert)
  (b lambda (&rest args)
     (if (eq (car args) cl--labels-magic)
	 (list cl--labels-magic var)
       (cons 'funcall (cons var args))))
  (a lambda (&rest args)
     (if (eq (car args) cl--labels-magic)
	 (list cl--labels-magic var)
       (cons 'funcall (cons var args))))))

(这里为了输出结果简洁起见,我在动态作用域下定义 my-labels-1 然后再调用,如果在静态作用域下会出现一些额外的 closure 字段。上面的输出结果不是正确的,毕竟没有捕获 var 变量,但是演示起来比较清楚。读者感兴趣的话可以试试看静态作用域下的输出结果。)

注意 newenv 中添加的宏都做了什么变换:它们添加了参数判定,如果参数为 cl--labels-magic 的话会返回 (cl--labels-magic var) 而不是 (funcall ...) ,我会在下面解释这样做的原因。

除了普通的函数名外,上面那段 unless 代码对 function 这个名字做了特殊处理,如果在 newenv 中没有找到 function ,那么 newenv 中会被添加 (function . cl--labels-convert)

;; Don't override lexical-let's macro-expander.
(unless (assq 'function newenv)
  (push (cons 'function #'cl--labels-convert) newenv))

这段代码的目的应该是为函数定义中出现的 #'name (这里的 namecl-labels 中的 binding name)做一些特殊的处理,注释内容是 ;; Don't override lexical-let's macro-expander. 。我们需要一些具体的例子来展示 cl--labels-convert 的作用,下面让我们定义第二个小函数:

(defun my-labels-2 (binds newenv)
  (setq binds (mapcar
	       (lambda (bind)
		     ((`(,var ,sargs . ,sbody) bind)
		      (g (macroexpand-all `(cl-function (lambda ,sargs . ,sbody))
	       (nreverse binds)))

(defun my-labels-12 (bindings)
  (apply 'my-labels-2 (my-labels-1 bindings)))

因为能够体现 cl--labels-convert 的就是 macroexpand-all 那一行,所以我们单独把它提出来看看具体的输出结果:

 '((f (x sum)
      (cond ((= x 0) sum)
	    (t (f (1- x) (+ sum 1)))))))
(#'(lambda (x sum)
     (cond ((= x 0) sum)
	   (t (funcall --cl-f-- (1- x) (+ sum 1))))))

 '((f (x)
      (mapcar #'f '(1 2 3)))))
(#'(lambda (x) (mapcar --cl-f-- '(1 2 3))))

 '((f (x)
      (mapcar #'1+ '(1 2 3)))))
(#'(lambda (x) (mapcar #'1+ '(1 2 3))))

就结果来看,函数内的 cl-label binding name #'name 被变换为了 new-name ,根据注释内容来看这是为了避免 #' 的错误处理,读者若有兴趣可以看看 cl--labels-convert ,这里我简单放放代码:

code of cl–labels-convert
(defun cl--labels-convert (f)
  "Special macro-expander to rename (function F) references in `cl-labels'."
   ;; ¡¡Big Ugly Hack!! We can't use a compiler-macro because those are checked
   ;; *after* handling `function', but we want to stop macroexpansion from
   ;; being applied infinitely, so we use a cache to return the exact `form'
   ;; being expanded even though we don't receive it.
   ((eq f (car cl--labels-convert-cache)) (cdr cl--labels-convert-cache))
    (let* ((found (assq f macroexpand-all-environment))
	   (replacement (and found
			       (funcall (cdr found) cl--labels-magic)))))
      (if (and replacement (eq cl--labels-magic (car replacement)))
	  (nth 1 replacement)
	(let ((res `(function ,f)))
	  (setq cl--labels-convert-cache (cons f res))

注意到注释开头的 ¡¡Big Ugly Hack!! 了吗(笑)。总的来说这个向 newenv 中添加 (function . cl--labels-convert 的作用就是正确处理在 cl-labels 中定义的函数名被作为函数参数(即 #'name )使用的情况。这也是为什么 newenv 中的函数要加上 cl--labels-magic 参数检查。

不过话又说回来,如果我们在 binding 部分使用了名为 function 的函数,那么就不会有这个处理。也许我们不应该在 cl-labels 中使用这个关键字作为函数。

接下来的内容就是尾调用优化 cl--self-tco 了,在完成 tco 后, cl-labels 会返回完整形式:

(setq binds (mapcar
	     (lambda (bind)
		   ((`(,var ,sargs . ,sbody) bind)
		    (`(function (lambda ,fargs . ,ebody))
		     (macroexpand-all `(cl-function (lambda ,sargs . ,sbody))
		    (`(,ofargs . ,obody)
		     (cl--self-tco var fargs ebody)))
		 `(,var (function (lambda ,ofargs . ,obody)))))
	     (nreverse binds)))

`(letrec ,binds
   . ,(macroexp-unprogn
	(macroexp-progn body)

最后的 letrec 中的 macroexpand-all 的作用相信不用我过多解释了。由于 cl--self-tco 稍微有些长,这里贴全部代码也不是很方便,我只能说它的作用是进行比较有限的尾调用优化。对 cl--self-tco 的分析我们留到最后一节。下面我们简单看看一个 cl-labels 的展开例子:

(setq print-gensym t)
      ((f (x sum)
	   ((= x 0) sum)
	   (t (f (1- x) (1+ sum))))))
    (f 10 0)))
(let* ((#:--cl-f--
	#'(lambda (#:x #:sum)
	    (let (#:retval)
	      (while (let ((x #:x) (sum #:sum))
		       (cond ((= x 0) (progn (setq #:retval sum) nil))
			     (t (progn (setq #:x (1- x) #:sum (1+ sum)) :recurse)))))
  (funcall #:--cl-f-- 10 0))

这里必须要设置 print-gensym 为 t,否则打印结果中看不出内部变量和外部变量的区别。

3. 为什么嵌套 named-let 会失效

由于 Scheme 是自动 tco 的,所以文章开头出现的代码可以正常运行而不会爆栈。即使 emacs 中实现了 named-let,它也只是受限的 named let:它只会对自身尾调用做优化,而不会优化其他调用。这一点也在 cl--self-tco 的注释中说明了:

(defun cl--self-tco (var fargs body)
  ;; This tries to "optimize" tail calls for the specific case
  ;; of recursive self-calls by replacing them with a `while' loop.
  ;; It is quite far from a general tail-call optimization, since it doesn't
  ;; even handle mutually recursive functions.

虽说 named-let 没有实现完整的 tco,对于简单的循环,使用它可能会比 cl-docl-loop 稍微简洁一些(也许吧):

(defun my-len1 (ls)
  (named-let f ((x ls) (sum 0))
    (if (null x) sum
      (f (cdr x) (1+ sum)))))

(defun my-len2 (ls)
  (cl-do ((x ls (cdr x))
	  (sum 0 (1+ sum)))
      ((null x) sum)))

(defun my-len3 (ls)
  (cl-loop for a in ls
	   count 1))

(= (my-len1 '(1 2 3))
   (my-len2 '(4 5 6))
   (my-len3 '(7 8 9)))
;; t

对于有 Scheme 经验的人来说 named-let 可能会很亲切,至于实际中使用哪种方法比较好就仁者见仁智者见智吧(笑)。

4. 在 elisp 中做 tco

下面我们正式开始学习如何在 elisp 中进行尾调用优化,简单来说就是学习一下 cl--self-tco 的实现。 cl--self-tco 长约 100 行,完整内容如下:

code of cl–self-tco
(defun cl--self-tco (var fargs body)
  ;; This tries to "optimize" tail calls for the specific case
  ;; of recursive self-calls by replacing them with a `while' loop.
  ;; It is quite far from a general tail-call optimization, since it doesn't
  ;; even handle mutually recursive functions.
      ((done nil) ;; Non-nil if some TCO happened.
       ;; This var always holds the value nil until (just before) we
       ;; exit the loop.
       (retvar (make-symbol "retval"))
       (ofargs (mapcar (lambda (s) (if (memq s cl--lambda-list-keywords) s
				(make-symbol (symbol-name s))))
       (opt-exps (lambda (exps) ;; `exps' is in tail position!
		   (append (butlast exps)
			   (list (funcall opt (car (last exps)))))))
	(lambda (exp) ;; `exp' is in tail position!
	  (pcase exp
	    ;; FIXME: Optimize `apply'?
	    (`(funcall ,(pred (eq var)) . ,aargs)
	     ;; This is a self-recursive call in tail position.
	     (let ((sets nil)
		   (fargs ofargs))
	       (while fargs
		 (pcase (pop fargs)
		    (push (pop fargs) sets)
		    (push `(list . ,aargs) sets)
		    ;; (cl-assert (null fargs))
		   ('&optional nil)
		    (push farg sets)
		    (push (pop aargs) sets))))
	       (setq done t)
	       `(progn (setq . ,(nreverse sets))
	    (`(progn . ,exps) `(progn . ,(funcall opt-exps exps)))
	    (`(if ,cond ,then . ,else)
	     `(if ,cond ,(funcall opt then) . ,(funcall opt-exps else)))
	    (`(and  . ,exps) `(and . ,(funcall opt-exps exps)))
	    (`(or ,arg) (funcall opt arg))
	    (`(or ,arg . ,args)
	     (let ((val (make-symbol "val")))
	       `(let ((,val ,arg))
		  (if ,val ,(funcall opt val) ,(funcall opt `(or . ,args))))))
	    (`(cond . ,conds)
	     (let ((cs '()))
	       (while conds
		 (pcase (pop conds)
		    (push (if conds
			      ;; This returns the value of `exp' but it's
			      ;; only in tail position if it's the
			      ;; last condition.
			      ;; Note: This may set the var before we
			      ;; actually exit the loop, but luckily it's
			      ;; only the case if we set the var to nil,
			      ;; so it does preserve the invariant that
			      ;; the var is nil until we exit the loop.
			      `((setq ,retvar ,exp) nil)
			    `(,(funcall opt exp)))
		    (push (funcall opt-exps exps) cs))))
	       ;; No need to set `retvar' to return nil.
	       `(cond . ,(nreverse cs))))
	    ((and `(,(or 'let 'let*) ,bindings . ,exps)
		   ;; Note: it's OK for this `let' to shadow any
		   ;; of the formal arguments since we will only
		   ;; setq the fresh new `ofargs' vars instead ;-)
		   (let ((shadowings
			  (mapcar (lambda (b) (if (consp b) (car b) b)) bindings)))
		     ;; If `var' is shadowed, then it clearly can't be
		     ;; tail-called any more.
		     (not (memq var shadowings)))))
	     `(,(car exp) ,bindings . ,(funcall opt-exps exps)))
	    ((and `(condition-case ,err-var ,bodyform . ,handlers)
		  (guard (not (eq err-var var))))
	     `(condition-case ,err-var
		  ,(if (assq :success handlers)
		     `(progn (setq ,retvar ,bodyform) nil))
		. ,(mapcar (lambda (h)
			     (cons (car h) (funcall opt-exps (cdr h))))
	    ('nil nil)  ;No need to set `retvar' to return nil.
	    (_ `(progn (setq ,retvar ,exp) nil))))))

    (let ((optimized-body (funcall opt-exps body)))
      (if (not done)
	  (cons fargs body)
	;; We use two sets of vars: `ofargs' and `fargs' because we need
	;; to be careful that if a closure captures a formal argument
	;; in one iteration, it needs to capture a different binding
	;; then that of other iterations, e.g.
	 `((let (,retvar)
	     (while (let ,(delq nil
				 (lambda (a oa)
				   (unless (memq a cl--lambda-list-keywords)
				     (list a oa)))
				 fargs ofargs))
		      . ,optimized-body))

letrec 的 binding forms 中, opt-exps 作用的是多个表达式,它对最后一个表达式调用 opt 做尾调用优化而不管前几个表达式。 ofargs 是处理后的变量名, done 是一个标识进行过 tco 的 flag。方便期间我们先从后面的处理过程开始:

(let ((optimized-body (funcall opt-exps body)))
  (if (not done)
      (cons fargs body)
    ;; We use two sets of vars: `ofargs' and `fargs' because we need
    ;; to be careful that if a closure captures a formal argument
    ;; in one iteration, it needs to capture a different binding
    ;; then that of other iterations, e.g.
     `((let (,retvar)
	 (while (let ,(delq nil
			     (lambda (a oa)
			       (unless (memq a cl--lambda-list-keywords)
				 (list a oa)))
			     fargs ofargs))
		  . ,optimized-body))

可见,如果 done 为 nil 则表示没有需要 tco 的地方, cl--self-tco 就直接返回原表达式了。如果 done 不为 nil,那么整个 body 就成了一个 while 表达式。 while 的 body 执行的就是经过 tco 变换的函数 body。我们可以看看 cl--self-tco 对简单函数的变换:

(cl--self-tco 'f '(x sum)
		 ((= x 0) sum)
		 (t (funcall f (1- x) (1+ sum))))))
((#:x #:sum)
 (let (#:retval)
   (while (let ((x #:x) (sum #:sum))
	    (cond ((= x 0) (progn (setq #:retval sum) nil))
		  (t (progn (setq #:x (1- x) #:sum (1+ sum)) :recurse)))))

可见尾调用部分都变成了赋值,如果是调用的终止,那么 retval 会被赋值为表达式最后的值。

在写到这里之后,我突然发现 opt 函数已经没什么好讲的了,读者如果理解了上面的 f 变换是如何进行的,那么 opt 的代码应该非常容易理解,这里我就不浪费读者的时间了。

5. 后记

实际上我一开始的环境并不是 emacs 28.2 而是 30.0.50,刚开始发现错误是我只是以为代码写错了而已,但是当 emacs 开始崩溃时我就有点绷不住了(可能新版本不是很稳定吧,居然被嵌套 named-let 弄崩溃了,不过我也不确定是不是这个原因),于是就有了这篇文章,希望能帮助你认识 named-let 的用法和一些实现原理,如果以后出现了类似的问题也能很快弄清楚。

如果有时间的话,我可能会详细了解一下整个 cl-lib 的实现方式,里面似乎有很多的黑魔法。嗯,如果有时间的话。
